10 June 2023 - A Commemorative Gathering to Honour Jack, Cecilia, John and Kevin

Scroll down for links to photos, videos, and other material from the day

John Thomas (Jack) O’Brien was the second eldest of Irene and Bill’s children. He married Cecilia May Flanagan in 1942, and they had nine children together, two of whom were John Thomas and Kevin Edward. John was the eldest of Irene and Bill’s 48 grandchildren.

Jack died in 1985 aged just 67. Eighteen years later, Cecilia and her son Kevin died just two months apart in 2003. Cecilia was 86, and Kevin passed away way too early at just 50. And Jack and Cecilia’s eldest son, John, died in 2008 aged 65.


On Saturday 10 June 2023, their family gathered in Bowral to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the death of Cecilia and Kevin, and to honour Jack and John.

A Memorial Mass was held on Saturday morning for Cecilia and Kevin. That was followed by a lunch at Centennial Winery, at which Jack and Cecilia’s son Shayne delivered a speech in honour of the four family members who had died.

Following Shayne’s speech there some impromptu speeches, from Jack’s niece Kate Landsberry (Gwen’s daughter), and two of Jack’s nephews, Darryl Brown (Joan’s son) and Tony Strachan (Mary’s son).

After the lunch and speeches, it was discovered that there was some more catching up to do. So, many of those attending came to our house in Bowral, where there was more family chat, and the odd additional tipple.

And then, guess what – there was YET more catch‑up required, so we all met up again at the Imperial Hotel for pizzas, more chat…and a few more drinks, because we really needed those.

Below (in blue) are links to photos, videos, and other material from the day

Some people took photos, while others recorded video, and that material has been gathered and posted on the website. You can access it from the blue links below.

  1. The text from Father Mark’s 11am Commemorative Mass – click here.

  2. A video of Shayne’s speech following lunch at Centennial Vineyards (with thanks to Mary Zabell for providing this) – click here.

  3. A text version of Shayne’s speech, along with some photos – click here.

  4. Text versions of the impromptu speeches by Kate, Darryl and Tony – click here.

  5. A video presentation of the photos from the Memorial Mass, the Centennial lunch and the Imperial dinner (with thanks to Mary Zabell for providing this) – click here.

  6. A gallery of those photos (with thanks to Darryl’s partner Lester and Liz Forrest for providing these) – click here.

  7. A video of Tony’s beat poem in honour of the O’Briens – click here.

  8. A text version of Tony’s beat poem – click here.

If anyone has any additional material from the day, please use the details on the contact page to send it through.

Written by Rob Landsberry, with special thanks to Mary Zabell for providing video material, and Darryl Brown’s partner Lester and Liz Forrest for providing photos, last modified 15 August 2023